Electromagnetic smog is a word that just about everyone has already heard. However, what exactly is it, and why is this issue becoming more and more important for each of us? Smog is an invented word. Composed of the words smoke and fog, it represents air pollution from exhaust fumes in metropolitan areas.
The term electromagnetic smog refers to all artificially generated electromagnetic fields in the environment and the resulting permanent exposure of people and the environment to them. Electromagnetic smog is classified as non-ionizing radiation. This means that electromagnetic waves do not produce the energy required to remove electrons from atoms or molecules, unlike ionizing radiation such as radioactivity. It is subdivided as follows:
Electric and magnetic fields in the low-frequency range are generated when electric energy is generated, transported, or applied, for example, in alternating current circuits and electric appliances. High-frequency electromagnetic fields are generated by wireless transmission via Wi-Fi or baby monitors. Microwaves in kitchens also use a high-frequency electromagnetic field for heating food.
Due to the rapidly advancing digitalization and expansion of electricity networks, exposure to electromagnetic smog is continually increasing in private households, schools, at work, and on the road. In particular, the artificially generated low-frequency and high-frequency fields are increasing due to the development of new technologies and their distribution. Cordless DECT phones and smartphones have long become part of everyday life. Many children and teenagers, use smartphones, tablets, and laptops all day, and the latest devices are at the top of their wish lists. In order to ensure seamless accessibility, more and more mobile phone masts are being built. According to statista.de, more than 7.3 billion cell phones and smartphones are currently in use worldwide. And the numbers are still rising.
In addition, there is Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and ultra-wideband (UWB). These are applications with high-frequency electromagnetic radiation, with the help of which various (mobile) devices for telecommunication and data processing can be interconnected wirelessly.
SMART home solutions for private households and businesses also contribute to increasing electromagnetic smog. Networked and remotely controllable devices and installations are designed to provide more security and efficient energy use and consequently improve the quality of homes and life in general. However, this convenience leads to further exposure to electromagnetic radiation. The trend of increased exposure to electromagnetic smog is even rising in cars as well. In addition to radiation from Bluetooth, GPS, seat heating, and the mobile data of smartphones, the future use of electric cars will further increase passenger exposure because of the electric engine and its battery.

Possible consequences are, among other things, extensively described by the 'Competence Initiative for the Protection of Man, Environment and Democracy' (Kompetenzinitiative zum Schutz von Mensch, Umwelt und Demokratie e.V.). This non-profit association of scientists and physicians deals with the effects of mobile and wireless communication. A small excerpt from the International Doctors' Appeal 2012: Our body consists largely of water and is controlled by bioelectrical impulses. Electromagnetic radiation can interfere with these natural processes. These rays penetrate the body and prevent optimal cell supply. If we are exposed to artificial electromagnetic fields (called electromagnetic smog or electrosmog), these can have a fundamental impact on biological processes in our body with the following effects:
5G is the latest generation in mobile communications. It lays the foundations for new, innovative technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), the networking of industrial machines and smart devices, social scoring Behavioral evaluations on social networks), cyborgs (half human half machine) or autonomous driving. So, it's about communication among technical devices with each other.
To achieve this standard, it is necessary to build and develop the appropriate infrastructure. From 2020, the 5G network should also be available to users in Germany. This new communication standard requires additional frequency bands compared to today's 4G. Experts expect 5G to be up to 26,000 times faster than UMTS. The frequency strength increases up to a hundredfold (compared to 4G = 3.5GHz, 5G up to 300Ghz). 5G works with microwave technology. It is expected that in the future, every 150 meters, an antenna unit must be installed in order to transmit microwave signals easily.
At VIVOBASE, learn how to protect yourself from the negative effects of 5G on the human organism.